Saturday, December 22, 2012

Long time, no blog

In a nutshell, it has been a challenging, rewarding and special few months.  I admire those who post on their blogs in a consistently regular fashion.   I'll begin with today and work backwards posting pictures of my wonderful October trip to Italy later on when I have extra time.

After a very mild October and November, we finally received a nice amount of snow from the storm that blasted the midwest during the past couple of days.    Here's our front yard facing the lake.   Today everyone has shoveled out, however, some are still without power.  We did  not lose electricity this go-round and we are very grateful.

Today we took the long way home from town after some futile last-minute shopping and found this horse and pony.  I love them.  They are so curious and friendly.... at least the horse was.  Pony was busy eating the freshly scattered hay.  Notice the evergreen wreath on the barn door.

This afternoon I am packaging freshly made cookies for some special home deliveries.  To be truthful, I eat too many myself during the process..... no surprise there,  huh?

My granddaughter, Emily, and I made these cut out cookies a couple of weeks ago.  Aren't they festive?   I hope you are enjoying these last few days of 2012.

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