It was a glorious first day of May here today with only a light jacket needed! Sunny, crisp and beautiful. Remember the custom of leaving a May basket of flowers on a neighbors' doorknob anonymously? When my dogs barked this afternoon, I went to investigate and there was this lovely basket of pansies and a note "Happy May Day!" Thank you, Mary Ann, my mystery friend.
On another happy note, I purchased airline tickets (yes, reasonably priced - surprise!) to go visit my wee newborn granddaughter soon!
oh my gosh! that was SO sweet of your neighbor. i had no idea people actually still did that... you are truly blessed living in the wonderful neighborhood that you do.
yeah! i am so glad you found tickets. i'm sure the time to leave won't get here fast enough =)
be sure to take LOTS of photos to share.
Last year at this time my May Day mystery neighbor was very depressed so we "flamingo-ed" her yard and took her a racy novel. It didn't hurt and probably helped!
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