It seemed like a pretty and snowy day for a 30 mile ride to the Horse Rescue organization for some getting acquainted. I sort of knew the way but MapQuested my route nevertheless. Perhaps this was the best route in the summer, but not in the winter! I ended up on an unplowed road which dead-ended at a "Seasonal Road...not Maintained" sign with only snowmobile tracks heading off into the woods. The only living souls out that way were a huge flock of wild turkeys. I stopped while these three toms scurried across the road in front of me.
Backtracking and using my internal directional instincts I eventually found the horse farm.
All stresses fell away as I stepped into the lean-to full of fragrant hay. My first horse-buddy was there, too, munching peacefully. He sniffed my hand in welcome and I knew the drive was well worth the effort. Next time I will know the way.
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