Sunday, October 23, 2011

New Dog, Old Dog, New Tricks

Autumn here has been at the very least two plus months long and beautiful.  At the end of August maple leaves began to turn here and there.  Now nearing the end of October some maples are still beginning their color change along with the oaks...

Here is a view of the shoreline while we were taking our new dog, Griffin, for a boat ride recently.   He loves the water, chases frisbees into the lake and absolutely loves boat rides.   He is not a young dog, but has adapted very nicely to our home and fits right in with the dogs we already had.  He is a corgi with a mellow  personality.   We are happy to have him.

Our original dog family includes 8 yr. old large hound/lab?/shepherd? mix, Reggie.  Usually quite well behaved and sedate, he has taken to grazing along the kitchen counters.  Last week I bought a fabulous apple pie at a bake sale.  Reggie's new trick was to remove the pie from the counter and share it with our other corgi, Sadie.   She is the sassy-looking one in the left front of the group photo.  I had to laugh at Sadie licking out the pie pan on the kitchen floor.   I am more careful with baked goods now.

1 comment:

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Your autumn colors are so pretty! We didn't have much color here this year ---too many storms.

You pups look very sweet ...even the pie stealing Reggie! :)