Thursday, September 22, 2011

Heritage Farmstay

Escaped to the year 1910 today with a group of lady friends for lunch.   A long drive for some, it was only an hour away for me through the beginning of the color changes.... lots of reds and red-oranges in the maples already with a bit of deep wine foliage here and there.   I have a feeling it will be a beautiful, colorful fall.

We carpooled and met at this restored farmstead which is also a B & B, or "farmstay" as our hostess prefers.   Susan cooks on a vintage "Round Oak" stove, has a hand-pump in the kitchen sink and a yard-full of chickens.   She is an authority on vintage recipes and keeps her meals as authentic as possible.  Her website is and an interesting article with photos is here

1 comment:

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

These photos took me back to my maternal grandmother's house in Pennsylvania, pat. She had a white clapboard house, chickens in the yard, and she cooked on a stove very much like this one! My Uncle installed a gas line and a gas stove in later years but my grandmother never used it and insisted on using her cast iron wood/coal stove. I look forward to exploring these links--thanks!