Sunday, March 6, 2011

Sock # 3 plus Chenille

Perhaps I have been permanently bitten by the sock bug.  Here is a photo of sock # 3 and the beginning of it's mate.  I included some examples of my failed attempts at sock knitting.... several, in fact, yet one day I may finish them all.  I never could get past the "heel turn" before and at long last it is beginning to make sense.

Otherwise, I have been absent from blogging because I am doing a bit of spring sorting and clearing out.  I have an extensive vintage chenille collection... many of the beautiful old bedspreads are cutters or in pieces.  I have been packaging them in craft-project-sized bundles for my eBay friends and they are flying out of here.  A neighbor stopped by before the clear out began and looked at the shelves heaped full to the ceiling.... she said if those shelves fell over on me I would die of "chenilluffocation!"  

1 comment:

Sally Tharpe Rowles said...

Wow all that chenille is amazing... I am sure you are having no problem selling it. Your socks look great too not to mention that yummy pear tart you made back in January.